Obviously meant as yesterday’s post, but you know how it is...
Wednesdays, I say, are good days to reflect on the weekend that passed and the weekend there is to look forward to. What’s gone down and what’s up and coming. It is the threshold of the week where you walk way from one It’s a mid-week pause from work or in my case as with the case of many mothers out there fully back in the throes of stay-at-home stupors, neglected domestic duties and mid-afternoon snuggles in bed. These are the peaks and valleys we live in, and somewhere a surprise waits in suspense only in its own knowing, giving our days something special, however small or seemingly insignificant it may be. Ripples in a pond. How these small things affect us.
Everyday, our Mandarin grows; a world of possibilities in her fingertips.
Easter weekend was abundant with Spring energy for Mandarin’s first egg hunt! A day with friends and family, the park we landed was verdant with perfectly trimmed grass, pruned bushes, and gorgeous trees. We had registered weeks in advance, and by the number of families and children there it was no surprise that the event was sold out. They had zones for the egg hunts, though there wasn’t much hunting to be done.
1. It was an open area.
2. The eggs were not hidden, but rather scattered about.
3. I suppose you could say they were free-range eggs.
4. We were late and the only eggs left were half opened colored eggs, looted for it’s candy.
It was like a mine of empty, albeit colorful egg (plastic) shells. Nonetheless, it’s not like Mandarin can run around just yet so we zipped her around in her toddler seat enjoying the view of her cousin and two of her friends.
The Curious Kitty... |
Who eventually got hungry... |
Needed a break from the hunt. |
Our lovely girls , all just two weeks apart!! No there wasn’t a pregnancy pact, it wasn’t planned.
Someone mentioned that she looked like a gift with her bows. And what a special gift she is indeed. |
Tuesday's trip to Golden Gate Park turned out to be one of those unplanned perfectly beautiful days.
While at the park we indulged in some well needed afternoon sunshine and with it a few thoughts of when and where we will finally be able to own our first home. We spoke of deal breakers like short driveways, dreams and ruminations of homey kitchens, and anthropologie linens, and an entire room for Mandarin and a bedroom with enough space for both hubby and I - and of course the Daffodil Free-arm Sunbrella from the Crate and Barrel catalogue for the patio.
$800 for an umbrella? Seriously?
It makes me feel hopeful to dream yet similarly, saddened that we cannot financially afford one just yet. Then there is the challenge of unemployment, the threat of bills and groceries. And now with a growing 8-month old, the palpable fear that we cannot provide the best for our daughter. Because isn’t that all we parents want? The best for our children, without compromise.
And so I nudge myself and bring to mind the mantra that I’ve openly allowed to flow within my consciousness: Savor the small. It is not easy to find contentment in the mundane cycles of of weeks and days and in spite of our struggles we are happy.
Some days it takes a trip out of the house, say --- to a park. A picnic. A quick stroll to get some fresh air.
but on most days we don't let emotions take the best of us
on most days, all it takes is a smile.
The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions -- the little soon forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment, and the countless infinitesimal of pleasurable and genial feeling.”
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge