Monday, May 7, 2012

Woohoo Weekend

A quick trip to this month's Alameda was blessed by the thrifting gods in spite of the heat, which Mandarin miraculously slept through for the most part.  The wind's reprieve was fleeting, the sun searing my forehead, cheeks and arms that left me with a very bad and uneven burn right between my watch and rolled up sleeve. I made it 3/4 of the way ( and there are possibly more than 800 vendors that we're talking about here) before I finally turned around and decided to head back to the vendor that was selling a ring I couldn't stop thinking about.

I'm fairly particular about my rings. In the course of nearly twenty years, the rings I've worn on my fingers have evolved from modest and simple to large and bold statements. And anyone who knows me knows I wear them five or six at a time.

A few days ago, the quarter sized mother-of-pearl shell fell off my ring and into the depths of the kitchen grinder, which of course I was completely oblivious to until I switched it on and the horrendous crunch - in what I can only describe as something I may have imagined hearing from Stephen Kings's The Langoliers, rose from below. To think it survived being run over by a vehicle on the street, the first time it fell off. Lesson learned: don't buy poor quality.

So a ring to replace my bare (right) ring finger was at the top of my list. But then I couldn't resist this bargain of a vintage necklace to wear for Mother's Day and lovely bowl which I found while in search for a floral serving platter.
This antiques fair boast of amazing finds like this gorgeous Underwood typewriter - which I didn't buy by the way, but oh If I had a desk to place this lovely machine on. 

Also on the list, a set of whisky glasses, a few Butterprint vintage pyrex bowls to complete the set of the one bowl I currently have.

There, Mama! More jewelry over there! 

We were starving by 3:30 p.m. as we drove through the Bay Bridge and back into the city. It was a gorgeous day and it seemed that everyone who had the luxury of sailboats was out that afternoon, their crisp white sails taking wind, a stark contrast to the blue of sky above.

We ate a very late lunch and took our time spending the afternoon in the outdoor patio of Savor on 24th street. The portions were huge and filling - we took it all in without hesitation or guilt from carbs, fried, fries, meat, bacon. We were there. We were hungry. We were happy.

Back home while getting ready for bed after some downtime in the living room couch we take in the breath of the day, grateful as always. 

Slipping in his pajamas my hubby says "We had a good Sunday, didn't we?"

"We had a great weekend!" I say, all smiles.

Mandarin was already asleep beside me, hugging her one armed bunny. We both huddled near her warm little body, kissed, chuckled about something and said our goodnights.

I kissed Mandarin's forehead and nuzzled into her neck, and finally figured out that the unnamed essence she always had (that I couldn't quite put my finger on) was the sweet and fruity rainbow scent of a new bag of skittles.

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