Thursday, July 28, 2011


kindle -   /ˈkɪndl/ Show Spelled verb, -dled, -dling.
–verb (used with object) start (a fire); cause (a flame, blaze, etc.) to begin burning. 2. to set fire to or ignite (fuel or any combustible matter). 3. to excite; stir up or set going; animate; rouse; inflame: He kindled their hopes of victory.

As an English Major in college the thought of reading a book through a 6 inch screen was a ridiculous thought. Not because I didn’t believe in the technology; I was a purist. Books should be held, loved; paper and pages turned apropos to the pace of the story. I always said that I’ll be the last person to buy an e-book reader simply because a stack of books, a bookstore, and books neatly lined up on a white rustic shelf appeals to me more than a mini lemon bundt cake paired with a cappuccino does. And that is my thing. Lemon Bundt Cake with a cappuccino. I always had a book in my bag, as evidenced by tattered copies of Wislawa Symborska, Rilke, an Rumi’s poems or my fiction flavor of the month. I love the smell of books and oddly enough the musty scent adds to my sensory experience of reading.

And so when my husband gave me a $100 gift card for Amazon (thank you Capital One Rewards Program!) and informed me that I was under strict instructions to only spend it on myself and not on our Mandarin, I thought about buying a handful of books - I left so many of them behind in Manila and sadly even if I found a way to bring them all to this side of the Pacific, I wouldn’t have any place to store them. No house, no space. That’s a definite no-go.

Today’s technology seems more intuitive to Mandarin’s generation than it is to - say- my mother. Age is irrelevant. The children of today are born into a world of touch screens and tablets and reading devices that can hold 3500 books. It saddens me, it really saddens me that they may not even have actual bookstores in the future where you can get lost in the labyrinth of bookshelves and pick out books you’re so excited to read that you just can’t wait to get home to curl up in bed with it and get lost in thought.

Now you can get a book in 60 seconds. In between breaths. The suspense! However, with recent news that Borders is closing its doors, it’s either the world has become overtly illiterate and has decided to stop reading or the wave of technology has taken over and e-books and everything digital is the medium of the future.

You cannot possibly miss Amazon’s Kindle! It’s on the front page of their site and when you’ve got a $100 hall pass in hand you have possibility in your fingertips. The Kindle Wi-Fi was listed for $114 a tempting offer that can’t be refused because just a mere $14 more and...well..why not? Keeping the future in mind, I figure I’d treat it the way I do music. If I love it enough (MP3’s) I buy the CD. It still won’t keep me from buying books, in fact, I’d probably treat it with much reverence even more.

Two days later, thanks to Amazon Prime!

I feel the need to ritualize the first book to be read in my Kindle, like tipping over a bottle of tequila to the gods before taking shots for yourself. A nod to the classics! So I’ve decided to start with some Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice) to keep the air light before I dive into some serious reading - if I can even find the time to do so. In spite of my initial hesitation, I feel the Kindle and I will become great friends. We’ll go on trips together, have slumber parties in our jammies, sunset in the beach and get some sand on its screen. 

Hell, we can even grab a slice of lemon bundt cake and sip on a cappuccino.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekend Warmth

This weekend peaked with summer warmth. Never mind the threat of a cold. Things needed to get done, regardless of airborne viruses and congestion and the day was far too lovely to waste. Saturday morning we drove down south to spend some much needed time with family, a quick stroll around the local farmers market and a korean BBQ lunch.  

I don’t know why I get so giddy with farmer’s markets. It it the fresh organic produce? The banjo playing on the street corner? Freshly popped kettle corn, parisian bread, flowers? It’s probably everything and a few things that vary from trip to trip. 

fresh cherry tomatoes

huge sunflowers and gorgeous lilacs

Itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny Zucchini!!!! They’re adorable. I want to adopt one. 

Fresh organic berries and fruit preserves!
Sweet Baguettes!!
I always get caught in these situations. So many pretty things to take photographs of and the achingly familiar line I keep uttering to myself. I should’ve brought my camera. 

There must be an easier way to travel with the bulk of an SLR camera and all the necessary accouterments of parenthood: stroller, handbag, diaper bag - and child! Even my trusty point and shoot was left behind, all I had for the weekend was my blackberry which has never failed to capture the fleeting moments of our days. Probably would be better if the BB community had Instagram too! 

I love photo opportunities, but find it difficult traveling with my camera, unless I’ve planned for a shoot that day. And while I COVET the Kelly Moore bags just like everyone else out there, I find the price too steep and will simply keep it within my crosshairs’ sight of a mega sale (if there even is one).  I’ll just have to settle with my painfully obvious yet exceptionally functional Nikon camera bag. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Into the Woods

 Today I will let the pictures speak for themselves. Taken on a perfect summer's day a few weeks back - we finally made it to Muir Woods after putting the trip off for quite sometime now. We couldn't have picked a more perfect day to cross the Golden Gate Bridge and take in the sights of our lovely city!

Lucky shot ... in passing.

My 3rd Eye.

Hello, Love.

Sweet Pea
Walking through the trail was humbling to say the least. To be in the company of Redwood trees that reached far up into the sky like hands outstretched for blessings; giving air to the the solemnity of its space was a spiritual experience to say the least. The energy of nature thrives within us and is fully awakened when we remove ourselves from the daily clutter of our lives.


A guest arrives - or rather the host perhaps? It was I that was the curious guest. Our little friend here was merely going about her business. 

And so it goes with the Chipmunks

The past two weeks have been a blur with guests staying with us and sadly no opportunity to take new photos and brush up with my on-going education and affair with photography.

Looking back at these photos, the stillness of time is revealed, the sacred moment of when we passed through and how the forest embraced us with the nurturing bliss of nature and the verdant clarity of what it means to grow and thrive. Renewed, you leave the woods feeling dwarfed in the general order of things with your enlivened spirit now walking tall among the trees.  
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